ShareGrottazzolina and the Tenna river


Grottazzolina stands on a slight hill just 227 meters above sea level, halfway between the Adriatic Sea and the Sibillini Mountains. The viewpoint of the public gardens, overlooking the Tenna valley, offers a view of the sea and the mountains. In retracing the history of the town, it should be noted that about twenty Picene tombs from the Iron Age have been unearthed in Piane di Grottazzolina. It assumed its current name when Pope Innocent III gave it as a fief to Count Azzolino. The town is characterized by the masonry in brick facing, an art in which the masons of Grottazzolina were very skilled and which made them famous. Grottazzolina in fact developed, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the art of brick, modeled with a hammer and rasp. This is visible in the details of the facades of the houses of the bourgeois class. Our cycling tour starts from the center of the Borgo Antico and through a descent we take to skirt the Ete River up to Servigliano, here the landscape environment is of considerable value both for the beauty of the views and the genuineness of the lands still cultivated today with the sweat of the forehead. Typical Grotesque food and wine products are stone-ground spelled tagliatelle, vincisgrassi, straccetti in broth, roast goose and galantine; among the sausages, coppa di testa, salami and ciabuscolo and, to drink, cooked wine ... all natural products and at km 0. Our ride continues climbing up the beautiful hills of the Fermano hinterland, a series of ups and downs that cross small rural realities until we return to Grottazzolina


Grottazzolina - Montegiorgio - Belmonte - Servigliano