ShareMonsano and the wine route


Monsano as well as being an important industrial and commercial center is known for the characteristic walls of the fifteenth century, original in shape and layout, which are arranged on a regular rectangle unique in Vallesina. Our cycling itinerary will share the beautiful vineyards nestled on the hills that embrace Monsano, we will move our rides starting from its historic center where the Church of the Sacramento is located, formerly called Santa Maria del Soccorso. Built in the sixteenth century, it was the residence of the apostolic friars and was rebuilt from the foundations in 1701. It preserves inside some paintings by Domenico Luigi Valori, made in 1736. Near the Castle, there is the Church of San Pietro Apostolo, whose nucleus original dates back to the twelfth century. Direction of the Passionist Convent to reach the nearby San Marcello where before the center we will turn right to take a beautiful country road towards Santa Maria del Fiore that will take us through various vineyards up to Santi Neri. At that point towards Monte San Vito, and after visiting the ancient village, cycling from hill to hill we will return to Monsano.


Monsano - San Marcello - Morro d'Alba - Monte San Vito
LENGTH: 20,24