


The village


Monsano enters history in 1197, cited as a dependence of the abbey of Valfucina (S.Vicino). Until the end of the 13th century the Villa was connected to the Pieve di San Giovanni (the church of San Giovanni will exist until 1897 as a tumulant church, that is, a cemetery); it will become a Castle perhaps from 1340 after Jesi, immediate subiecta of the Holy See, loses Monte San Vito which passes to Ancona. Municipality of Vallesina, in a hilly position. Its panorama ranges from the sea, with Monte Conero, to the Apennines, from the Sibillini to Monte Catria. Its history goes back thousands of years, from the first Benedictine settlements (the mention of the Abbey of Valfocina dates back to 1197). Until the end of the 13th century the Villa was connected to the Pieve di San Giovanni (the church of San Giovanni will exist until 1897 as a tumulant church, that is, a cemetery). Its name derives from the ancient Musianum, from the name of the district in whose woods ".. in the outlines which fabled was dedicated to the Muses." (Tomaso Baldassini - 'Historical news of the ancient and royal city of Jesi. Bonelli. Jesi. 1765'). A royal decree of 1862 transforms it into Monsano, from the previous Musiano and Mosciano. Its territory, of 14 km², formerly covered by forests of oaks and laurels, slopes gently towards the valley, between expanses of olive trees and the modern, peaceful inhabited center. Downstream, a large industrial area.





In addition to being an important industrial and commercial center, Monsano is known for the characteristic walls of the fifteenth century, original in shape and layout, which are arranged on a regular rectangle that has no comparison in Vallesina. In the historic center is the Church of the Sacramento, formerly called Santa Maria del Soccorso. Built in the sixteenth century, it was the residence of the apostolic friars and was rebuilt from the foundations in 1701. It preserves inside some paintings by Domenico Luigi Valori, made in 1736. Near the Castle, there is the Church of San Pietro Apostolo, whose nucleus original dates back to the twelfth century. Inside there is an interesting altarpiece by Claudio Ridolfi depicting a "Madonna with Child and Saints Francis and Stephen", from the seventeenth century, and a canvas by Valeri. Outside the town, in an evocative space that has remained unchanged over time, is the Church of S. Maria degli Aròli, in Romanesque-Gothic style. In the hamlet of S. Maria there is the homonymous sanctuary, built starting from 1471, the year of the apparitions of the Virgin in the territory. Inside you can admire a splendid fresco of the Madonna, the subject of a careful restoration that has recently brought it back to its original appearance. In the locality of Sant'Ubaldo, there is the eighteenth-century Villa Pianetti, with its evocative architecture and magnificent park.In August, the most important event of the year takes place, the Monsano Folk Festival, an international and itinerant festival of original popular music and revival.

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Piazza Matteotti, 17
+39 0731 6193